Wilton Hoops expects its participating players, their parents and all its coaches, referees, spectators, and other involved parties to abide by the FCBL Code of Conduct as outlined below:

Code of Conduct

Intent:The Fairfield County Basketball League promotes the concept of good conduct by all participants including players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators. This concept will provide a safe athletic environment, good role models and a sense of community spirit throughout the league. FCBL participants are to maintain and promote the highest standards of conduct at all times. By doing this, FCBL will prove that good conduct and competitive sports can co-exist.

Everyone will:

Respect all players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators.

Respect the property of others including all gym facilities.

Not taunt, boo, or make negative comments about any players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators.

Never argue with the referee’s call.

Remember that sports for children should be about having fun.

Players will:

Play for fun.

Work hard to improve skills, learn the game and play by the rules.

Follow coaches directions and instructions.

Always respect teammates, opponents, coaches and referees.

Support teammates at all times.

Shake hands with opponents after the game.

Parents & Spectators will:

Not force a child to participate in a sport.

Remember that children participate in athletics to have fun.

Remember that the game is for the children, not for the adults.

Remember that they are not the coach and will refrain from yelling instructions out onto the court.

Speak to the coach in private with any concerns and never in front of the children or on the court.

Be a positive role model by respecting all players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators at all times.

Value skills development, fair competition and good effort. Recognize that the efforts of all children, your own team and opponents, is more important than the outcome of the game.

Cheer for all children on the team, not just your own child.

Not encourage any behaviors or tactics that would endanger the health and well being of anyone.

Coaches will:

Make skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, fun and learning the game the goals of the team.

Be a positive role model by respecting all players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators at all times.

Learn and play by the rules of the game.

Never argue with a referee’s call.

Never lose your temper.

Be generous in my praise, emphasizing the childrens’ efforts over the outcome of the game.

Be fair, honest and consistent in coaching philosophies and practices.

Recognize that children learn differently and adapt coaching to each child’s needs accordingly.

Communicate clearly to players and parents about goals for the team and what behavior is appropriate.

Provide a safe environment for the children to play.

Referees will:

Exercise a high level of self-discipline, independence and responsibility. The purpose of this code is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct for all officials.

Master both the rules of the game and the mechanics necessary to enforce the rules, and shall exercise authority in an impartial, firm and controlled manner.

Work with each other in a constructive and cooperative manner.

Uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interactions with players, coaches, parents, colleagues and the public at large.

Prepare themselves both physically and mentally, shall dress neatly and appropriately, and shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards of the profession.

Be punctual and professional in the fulfillment of all obligations.

While enforcing the rules of play, remain aware of the inherent risk of injury that competition poses to the players and where appropriate, they shall inform the coaches and the league of situations that appear unreasonably hazardous.